Source code for

import warnings
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from dataproperty import Align
from tcolorpy import Color

from .._function import normalize_enum
from ._font import FontSize, FontStyle, FontWeight

[docs] @unique class DecorationLine(Enum): NONE = "none" LINE_THROUGH = "line_through" STRIKE = "strike" UNDERLINE = "underline"
[docs] @unique class ThousandSeparator(Enum): NONE = "none" #: no thousands separator COMMA = "comma" #: ``','`` as thousands separator SPACE = "space" #: ``' '`` as thousands separator UNDERSCORE = "underscore" #: ``'_'`` as thousands separator
[docs] @unique class VerticalAlign(Enum): BASELINE = (1 << 0, "baseline") TOP = (1 << 1, "top") MIDDLE = (1 << 2, "middle") BOTTOM = (1 << 3, "bottom") @property def align_code(self) -> int: return self.__align_code @property def align_str(self) -> str: return self.__align_string def __init__(self, code: int, string: str) -> None: self.__align_code = code self.__align_string = string
_s_to_ts: Dict[str, ThousandSeparator] = { "": ThousandSeparator.NONE, ",": ThousandSeparator.COMMA, " ": ThousandSeparator.SPACE, "_": ThousandSeparator.UNDERSCORE, } def _normalize_thousand_separator(value: Union[str, ThousandSeparator]) -> ThousandSeparator: if isinstance(value, ThousandSeparator): return value thousand_separator = normalize_enum( value, ThousandSeparator, default=ThousandSeparator.NONE, validate=False, ) if isinstance(thousand_separator, ThousandSeparator): return thousand_separator norm_value = _s_to_ts.get(value) if norm_value is None: raise ValueError(f"unknown thousand separator: {value}") return norm_value
[docs] class Style: """Style specifier class for table elements. Args: color (Union[|str|, tcolorpy.Color, |None|]): Text color for cells. When using str, specify a color code (``"#XXXXXX"``) or a color name. .. note:: In the current version, only applicable for part of text format writer classes. fg_color (Union[|str|, tcolorpy.Color, |None|]): Alias to :py:attr:`~.color`. bg_color (Union[|str|, tcolorpy.Color, |None|]): Background color for cells. When using str, specify a color code (``"#XXXXXX"``) or a color name. .. note:: In the current version, only applicable for part of text format writer classes. align (|str| / :py:class:``): Horizontal text alignment for cells. This can be only applied for text format writer classes. Possible string values are: - ``"auto"`` (default) - Detect data type for each column and set alignment that appropriate for the type automatically - ``"left"`` - ``"right"`` - ``"center"`` vertical_align (|str| / :py:class:``): Vertical text alignment for cells. This can be only applied for HtmlTableWriter class. Possible string values are: - ``"baseline"`` (default) - ``"top"`` - ``"middle"`` - ``"bottom"`` font_size (|str| / :py:class:``): Font size specification for cells in a column. This can be only applied for HTML/Latex writer classes. Possible string values are: - ``"tiny"`` - ``"small"`` - ``"medium"`` - ``"large"`` - ``"none"`` (default: no font size specification) font_weight (|str| / :py:class:``): Font weight specification for cells in a column. This can be only applied for HTML/Latex/Markdown writer classes. Possible string values are: - ``"normal"`` (default) - ``"bold"`` font_style (|str| / :py:class:``): Font style specification for cells in a column. This can be applied only for HTML/Latex/Markdown writer classes. Possible string values are: - ``"normal"`` (default) - ``"italic"`` - ``"typewriter"`` (only for Latex writer) decoration_line (|str| / :py:class:``) Experiental. Possible string values are: - ``"line-through"`` - ``"strike"`` (alias for ``"line-through"``) - ``"underline"`` - ``"none"`` (default) thousand_separator (|str| / :py:class:``): Thousand separator specification for numbers in a column. This can be only applied for text format writer classes. Possible string values are: - ``","``/``"comma"`` - ``" "``/``"space"`` - ``"_"``/``"underscore"`` - ``""``/``"none"`` (default) Example: :ref:`example-style` """ @property def align(self) -> Align: return self.__align @align.setter def align(self, value: Align) -> None: self.__align = value @property def vertical_align(self) -> VerticalAlign: return self.__valign @property def decoration_line(self) -> DecorationLine: return self.__decoration_line @property def font_size(self) -> FontSize: return self.__font_size @property def font_style(self) -> FontStyle: return self.__font_style @property def font_weight(self) -> FontWeight: return self.__font_weight @property def color(self) -> Optional[Color]: return self.__fg_color @property def fg_color(self) -> Optional[Color]: return self.__fg_color @property def bg_color(self) -> Optional[Color]: return self.__bg_color @property def thousand_separator(self) -> ThousandSeparator: return self.__thousand_separator @property def padding(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.__padding @padding.setter def padding(self, value: Optional[int]) -> None: self.__padding = value def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.__kwargs = kwargs self.__update_color(initialize=True) self.__update_align(initialize=True) self.__update_font(initialize=True) self.__update_misc(initialize=True) if self.__kwargs: warnings.warn(f"unknown style attributes found: {self.__kwargs.keys()}", UserWarning) def __repr__(self) -> str: items = [] if self.align: items.append(f"align={self.align.align_string}") if self.padding is not None: items.append(f"padding={self.padding}") if self.vertical_align: items.append(f"valign={self.vertical_align.align_str}") if self.color: items.append(f"color={self.color}") if self.bg_color: items.append(f"bg_color={self.bg_color}") if self.decoration_line is not DecorationLine.NONE: items.append(f"decoration_line={self.decoration_line.value}") if self.font_size is not FontSize.NONE: items.append(f"font_size={self.font_size.value}") if self.font_style: items.append(f"font_style={self.font_style.value}") if self.font_weight: items.append(f"font_weight={self.font_weight.value}") if self.thousand_separator is not ThousandSeparator.NONE: items.append(f"thousand_separator={self.thousand_separator.value}") return "({})".format(", ".join(items)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return False return all( [ self.align == other.align, self.font_size == other.font_size, self.font_style == other.font_style, self.font_weight == other.font_weight, self.thousand_separator == other.thousand_separator, ] ) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return True return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Update specified style attributes.""" self.__kwargs = kwargs self.__update_color(initialize=False) self.__update_align(initialize=False) self.__update_font(initialize=False) self.__update_misc(initialize=False) if self.__kwargs: warnings.warn(f"unknown style attributes found: {self.__kwargs.keys()}", UserWarning)
def __update_color(self, initialize: bool) -> None: fg_color = self.__kwargs.pop("color", None) or self.__kwargs.pop("fg_color", None) if fg_color: self.__fg_color: Optional[Color] = Color(fg_color) elif initialize: self.__fg_color = None bg_color = self.__kwargs.pop("bg_color", None) if bg_color: self.__bg_color: Optional[Color] = Color(bg_color) elif initialize: self.__bg_color = None def __update_font(self, initialize: bool) -> None: font_size = self.__kwargs.pop("font_size", None) if font_size: self.__font_size = normalize_enum( font_size, FontSize, validate=False, default=FontSize.NONE, ) elif initialize: self.__font_size = FontSize.NONE self.__validate_attr("font_size", (FontSize, str)) font_style = self.__kwargs.pop("font_style", None) if font_style: self.__font_style = normalize_enum(font_style, FontStyle, default=FontStyle.NORMAL) elif initialize: self.__font_style = FontStyle.NORMAL self.__validate_attr("font_style", FontStyle) font_weight = self.__kwargs.pop("font_weight", None) if font_weight: self.__font_weight = normalize_enum(font_weight, FontWeight, default=FontWeight.NORMAL) elif initialize: self.__font_weight = FontWeight.NORMAL self.__validate_attr("font_weight", FontWeight) def __update_align(self, initialize: bool) -> None: align = self.__kwargs.pop("align", None) if align: self.__align = normalize_enum(align, Align, default=Align.AUTO) elif initialize: self.__align = Align.AUTO self.__validate_attr("align", Align) valign = self.__kwargs.pop("vertical_align", None) if valign: self.__valign = normalize_enum(valign, VerticalAlign, default=VerticalAlign.BASELINE) elif initialize: self.__valign = VerticalAlign.BASELINE self.__validate_attr("vertical_align", VerticalAlign) def __update_misc(self, initialize: bool) -> None: padding = self.__kwargs.pop("padding", None) if padding is not None: self.__padding = padding elif initialize: self.__padding = None decoration_line = self.__kwargs.pop("decoration_line", None) if decoration_line: self.__decoration_line = normalize_enum( decoration_line, DecorationLine, default=DecorationLine.NONE ) elif initialize: self.__decoration_line = DecorationLine.NONE self.__validate_attr("decoration_line", DecorationLine) thousand_separator = self.__kwargs.pop("thousand_separator", None) if thousand_separator: self.__thousand_separator = _normalize_thousand_separator(thousand_separator) elif initialize: self.__thousand_separator = ThousandSeparator.NONE self.__validate_attr("thousand_separator", ThousandSeparator) def __validate_attr(self, attr_name: str, expected_type: Any) -> None: value = getattr(self, attr_name) if isinstance(expected_type, (list, tuple)): expected = " or ".join(c.__name__ for c in expected_type) else: expected = expected_type.__name__ if not isinstance(value, expected_type): raise TypeError(f"{attr_name} must be instance of {expected}: actual={type(value)}")