Source code for pytablewriter.writer.text.sourcecode._pandas

from typing import Any

import typepy
from mbstrdecoder import MultiByteStrDecoder

from ....error import EmptyTableNameError
from ._numpy import NumpyTableWriter

[docs] class PandasDataFrameWriter(NumpyTableWriter): """ A writer class for Pandas DataFrame format. :Example: :ref:`example-pandas-dataframe-writer` .. py:attribute:: import_pandas_as :type: str :value: "pd" Specify ``pandas`` module import name of an output source code. .. py:attribute:: import_numpy_as :type: str :value: "np" Specify ``numpy`` module import name of an output source code. .. py:method:: write_table |write_table| with Pandas DataFrame format. The tabular data are written as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` class instance definition. :raises pytablewriter.EmptyTableNameError: If the |table_name| is empty. :Example: :ref:`example-pandas-dataframe-writer` .. note:: Specific values in the tabular data are converted when writing: - |None|: written as ``None`` - |inf|: written as ``numpy.inf`` - |nan|: written as ``numpy.nan`` - |datetime| instances determined by |is_datetime_instance_formatting| attribute: - |True|: written as `dateutil.parser <>`__ - |False|: written as |str| .. seealso:: :ref:`example-type-hint-python` """ FORMAT_NAME = "pandas" @property def format_name(self) -> str: return self.FORMAT_NAME def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.import_pandas_as = "pd" self.is_write_header = False def _get_opening_row_items(self) -> list[str]: return [f"{self.variable_name} = {self.import_pandas_as}.DataFrame(["] def _get_closing_row_items(self) -> list[str]: if typepy.is_not_empty_sequence(self.headers): return [ "], columns=[{}])".format( ", ".join( f'"{MultiByteStrDecoder(header).unicode_str}"' for header in self.headers ) ) ] return ["])"] def _verify_property(self) -> None: super()._verify_property() if typepy.is_null_string(self.table_name): raise EmptyTableNameError("table_name must be a string of one or more characters")