Source code for pytablewriter.writer.text._rst

import copy
from typing import Any

import dataproperty
import typepy
from mbstrdecoder import MultiByteStrDecoder

from ...error import EmptyTableDataError
from import ReStructuredTextStyler, StylerInterface
from .._table_writer import AbstractTableWriter
from ._text_writer import IndentationTextTableWriter

class RstTableWriter(IndentationTextTableWriter):
    A base class of reStructuredText table writer.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:

        self.char_header_row_separator = "="
        self.char_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_left_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_right_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_top_left_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_top_right_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_bottom_left_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_bottom_right_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_header_row_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_header_row_left_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_header_row_right_cross_point = "+"

        self.char_opening_row_cross_point = "+"
        self.char_closing_row_cross_point = "+"

        self.indent_string = kwargs.get("indent_string", "    ")
        self.is_write_header_separator_row = True
        self.is_write_value_separator_row = True
        self.is_write_opening_row = True
        self.is_write_closing_row = True

        self._quoting_flags = copy.deepcopy(dataproperty.NOT_QUOTING_FLAGS)


    def write_table(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        with self._logger:

            except EmptyTableDataError:
                self._logger.logger.debug("no tabular data found")

            if self.is_write_null_line_after_table:

    def _get_table_directive(self) -> str:
        if typepy.is_null_string(self.table_name):
            return ".. table::\n"

        return f".. table:: {MultiByteStrDecoder(self.table_name).unicode_str}\n"

    def _write_table(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:

    def _create_styler(self, writer: AbstractTableWriter) -> StylerInterface:
        return ReStructuredTextStyler(writer)

[docs] class RstCsvTableWriter(RstTableWriter): """ A table class writer for reStructuredText `CSV table <>`__ format. :Example: :ref:`example-rst-csv-table-writer` """ FORMAT_NAME = "rst_csv_table" @property def format_name(self) -> str: return self.FORMAT_NAME @property def support_split_write(self) -> bool: return True def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.column_delimiter = ", " self.char_cross_point = "" self.is_padding = False self.is_write_header_separator_row = False self.is_write_value_separator_row = False self.is_write_closing_row = False self._quoting_flags[typepy.Typecode.STRING] = True
[docs] def write_table(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ |write_table| with reStructuredText CSV table format. :Example: :ref:`example-rst-csv-table-writer` .. note:: - |None| values are written as an empty string """ IndentationTextTableWriter.write_table(self, **kwargs)
def _get_opening_row_items(self) -> list[str]: directive = ".. csv-table::" if typepy.is_null_string(self.table_name): return [directive] return [f"{directive} {MultiByteStrDecoder(self.table_name).unicode_str}"] def _write_opening_row(self) -> None: self.dec_indent_level() super()._write_opening_row() self.inc_indent_level() def _write_header(self) -> None: if not self.is_write_header: return if typepy.is_not_empty_sequence(self.headers): self._write_line( ':header: "{:s}"'.format( '", "'.join(MultiByteStrDecoder(header).unicode_str for header in self.headers) ) ) self._write_line( ":widths: " + ", ".join(str(col_dp.ascii_char_width) for col_dp in self._column_dp_list) ) self._write_line() def _get_value_row_separator_items(self) -> list[str]: return [] def _get_closing_row_items(self) -> list[str]: return []
[docs] class RstGridTableWriter(RstTableWriter): """ A table writer class for reStructuredText `Grid Tables <>`__ format. :Example: :ref:`example-rst-grid-table-writer` .. py:method:: write_table |write_table| with reStructuredText grid tables format. :Example: :ref:`example-rst-grid-table-writer` .. note:: - |None| values are written as an empty string """ FORMAT_NAME = "rst_grid_table" @property def format_name(self) -> str: return self.FORMAT_NAME @property def support_split_write(self) -> bool: return False def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.char_left_side_row = "|" self.char_right_side_row = "|"
[docs] class RstSimpleTableWriter(RstTableWriter): """ A table writer class for reStructuredText `Simple Tables <>`__ format. :Example: :ref:`example-rst-simple-table-writer` .. py:method:: write_table |write_table| with reStructuredText simple tables format. :Example: :ref:`example-rst-simple-table-writer` .. note:: - |None| values are written as an empty string """ FORMAT_NAME = "rst_simple_table" @property def format_name(self) -> str: return self.FORMAT_NAME @property def support_split_write(self) -> bool: return False def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.column_delimiter = " " self.char_cross_point = " " self.char_opening_row_cross_point = " " self.char_closing_row_cross_point = " " self.char_header_row_cross_point = " " self.char_header_row_left_cross_point = " " self.char_header_row_right_cross_point = " " self.char_opening_row = "=" self.char_closing_row = "=" self.is_write_value_separator_row = False self._init_cross_point_maps()