Source code for pytablewriter.writer._table_writer

.. codeauthor:: Tsuyoshi Hombashi <>

import abc
import copy
import math
import warnings
from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, cast

import typepy
from dataproperty import (
from dataproperty.typing import TransFunc
from tabledata import TableData, convert_idx_to_alphabet, to_value_matrix
from typepy import Typecode, extract_typepy_from_dtype

from .._logger import WriterLogger
from ..error import EmptyTableDataError, EmptyTableNameError, EmptyValueError, NotSupportedError
from import (
from ..typehint import Integer, TypeHint
from ._common import HEADER_ROW
from ._interface import TableWriterInterface
from ._msgfy import to_error_message

    import pandas
    import tablib

    from .._table_format import TableFormat

_ts_to_flag: dict[ThousandSeparator, int] = {
    ThousandSeparator.NONE: Format.NONE,
    ThousandSeparator.COMMA: Format.THOUSAND_SEPARATOR,
    ThousandSeparator.SPACE: Format.THOUSAND_SEPARATOR,
    ThousandSeparator.UNDERSCORE: Format.THOUSAND_SEPARATOR,

def header_style_filter(cell: Cell, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Style]:
    if cell.is_header_row():
        return Style(align=Align.CENTER)

    return None

DEFAULT_STYLE_FILTERS: list[StyleFilterFunc] = [header_style_filter]

[docs] class AbstractTableWriter(TableWriterInterface, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ An abstract base class of table writer classes. Args: max_precision (int): Maximum decimal places for real number values. dequote (bool): If |True|, dequote values in :py:attr:`~.value_matrix`. .. py:attribute:: stream Stream to write tables. You can use arbitrary streams which support ``write``methods such as ``sys.stdout``, file stream, ``StringIO``, and so forth. Defaults to ``sys.stdout``. :Example: :ref:`example-configure-stream` .. py:attribute:: is_write_header :type: bool Write headers of a table if the value is |True|. .. py:attribute:: is_padding :type: bool Padding for each item in the table if the value is |True|. .. py:attribute:: iteration_length :type: int The number of iterations to write a table. This value is used in :py:meth:`.write_table_iter` method. (defaults to ``-1``, which means the number of iterations is indefinite) .. py:attribute:: style_filter_kwargs :type: Dict[str, Any] Extra keyword arguments for style filter functions. These arguments will pass to filter functions added by :py:meth:`.add_style_filter` or :py:meth:`.add_col_separator_style_filter` .. py:attribute:: colorize_terminal :type: bool :value: True [Only available for text format writers] [experimental] If |True|, colorize text outputs with |Style|. .. py:attribute:: enable_ansi_escape :type: bool :value: True [Only available for text format writers] If |True|, applies ANSI escape sequences to the terminal's text outputs with |Style|. .. py:attribute:: write_callback The value expected to a function. The function is called when each of the iterations of writing a table completed. (defaults to |None|) For example, a callback function definition is as follows: .. code:: python def callback_example(iter_count: int, iter_length: int) -> None: print("{:d}/{:d}".format(iter_count, iter_length)) Arguments that passed to the callback are: - first argument: current iteration number (start from ``1``) - second argument: a total number of iteration """ FORMAT_NAME = "abstract" @property def margin(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError() @margin.setter def margin(self, value: int) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() @property def value_matrix(self) -> Sequence: """Data of a table to be outputted.""" return self.__value_matrix_org @value_matrix.setter def value_matrix(self, value_matrix: Sequence) -> None: self.__set_value_matrix(value_matrix) self.__clear_preprocess() @property def table_format(self) -> "TableFormat": """TableFormat: Get the format of the writer.""" from .._table_format import TableFormat table_format = TableFormat.from_name(self.format_name) assert table_format return table_format @property def stream(self) -> Any: return self._stream @stream.setter def stream(self, value: Any) -> None: self._stream = value @abc.abstractmethod def _write_table(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: pass def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self._logger = WriterLogger(self) self.table_name = kwargs.get("table_name", "") self.value_matrix = kwargs.get("value_matrix", []) self.is_write_header = kwargs.get("is_write_header", True) self.is_write_header_separator_row = kwargs.get("is_write_header_separator_row", True) self.is_write_value_separator_row = kwargs.get("is_write_value_separator_row", False) self.is_write_opening_row = kwargs.get("is_write_opening_row", False) self.is_write_closing_row = kwargs.get("is_write_closing_row", False) self._use_default_header = False self._dp_extractor = DataPropertyExtractor(max_precision=kwargs.get("max_precision")) self._dp_extractor.min_column_width = 1 self._dp_extractor.strip_str_header = '"' self._dp_extractor.preprocessor = Preprocessor(dequote=kwargs.get("dequote", True)) self._dp_extractor.set_type_value(Typecode.NONE, "") self._dp_extractor.matrix_formatting = MatrixFormatting.HEADER_ALIGNED self._dp_extractor.update_strict_level_map({Typecode.BOOL: 1}) self.is_formatting_float = kwargs.get("is_formatting_float", True) self.is_padding = kwargs.get("is_padding", True) self.headers = kwargs.get("headers", []) self.type_hints = kwargs.get("type_hints", []) self._quoting_flags = { Typecode.BOOL: False, Typecode.DATETIME: True, Typecode.DICTIONARY: False, Typecode.INFINITY: False, Typecode.INTEGER: False, Typecode.IP_ADDRESS: True, Typecode.LIST: False, Typecode.NAN: False, Typecode.NONE: False, Typecode.NULL_STRING: True, Typecode.REAL_NUMBER: False, Typecode.STRING: True, } self._is_require_table_name = False self._is_require_header = False self.iteration_length: int = kwargs.get("iteration_length", -1) self.write_callback = kwargs.get( "write_callback", lambda _iter_count, _iter_length: None, # defaults to NOP callback ) self._iter_count: Optional[int] = None self.__default_style: Style self.default_style = kwargs.get("default_style", Style()) self.__col_style_list: list[Optional[Style]] = [] self.column_styles = kwargs.get("column_styles", []) self._style_filters: list[StyleFilterFunc] = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_STYLE_FILTERS) self._enable_style_filter = True self._styler = self._create_styler(self) self.style_filter_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = kwargs.get("style_filter_kwargs", {}) self._check_style_filter_kwargs_funcs: list[CheckStyleFilterKeywordArgsFunc] = [] self.__colorize_terminal = kwargs.get("colorize_terminal", True) self.__enable_ansi_escape = kwargs.get("enable_ansi_escape", True) self.max_workers = kwargs.get("max_workers", 1) if "dataframe" in kwargs: self.from_dataframe(kwargs["dataframe"]) self.__clear_preprocess() def _repr_html_(self) -> str: from .text._html import HtmlTableWriter writer = HtmlTableWriter( table_name=self.table_name, headers=self.headers, value_matrix=self.value_matrix, column_styles=self.column_styles, colorize_terminal=self.colorize_terminal, enable_ansi_escape=self.enable_ansi_escape, ) writer._dp_extractor = self._dp_extractor return writer.dumps() @property def value_preprocessor(self) -> Preprocessor: return self._dp_extractor.preprocessor def __clear_preprocess_status(self) -> None: self._is_complete_table_dp_preprocess = False self._is_complete_table_property_preprocess = False self._is_complete_header_preprocess = False self._is_complete_value_matrix_preprocess = False def __clear_preprocess_data(self) -> None: self._column_dp_list: list[ColumnDataProperty] = [] self._table_headers: list[str] = [] self._table_value_matrix: list[Union[list[str], dict]] = [] self._table_value_dp_matrix: Sequence[Sequence[DataProperty]] = [] @property def headers(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Sequence[str]: Headers of a table to be outputted.""" return self._dp_extractor.headers @headers.setter def headers(self, value: Sequence[str]) -> None: self._dp_extractor.headers = value @property def is_formatting_float(self) -> bool: return self._dp_extractor.is_formatting_float @is_formatting_float.setter def is_formatting_float(self, value: bool) -> None: if self._dp_extractor.is_formatting_float == value: return self._dp_extractor.is_formatting_float = value self.__clear_preprocess() @property def max_workers(self) -> int: return self._dp_extractor.max_workers @max_workers.setter def max_workers(self, value: int) -> None: self._dp_extractor.max_workers = value @property def tabledata(self) -> TableData: """tabledata.TableData: Get tabular data of the writer.""" return TableData( self.table_name, self.headers, self.value_matrix, max_workers=self.max_workers, max_precision=self._dp_extractor.max_precision, ) @property def table_name(self) -> str: """str: Name of a table.""" return self._table_name @table_name.setter def table_name(self, value: str) -> None: self._table_name = value @property def type_hints(self) -> list[TypeHint]: """ Type hints for each column of the tabular data. Writers convert data for each column using the type hints information before writing tables when you call ``write_xxx`` methods. Acceptable values are as follows: - |None| (automatically detect column type from values in the column) - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.Bool` or ``"bool"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.DateTime` or ``"datetime"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.Dictionary` or ``"dict"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.Infinity` or ``"inf"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.Integer` or ``"int"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.IpAddress` or ``"ipaddr"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.List` or ``"list"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.Nan` or ``"nan"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.NoneType` or ``"none"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.NullString` or ``"nullstr"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.RealNumber` or ``"realnumber"`` or ``"float"`` - :py:class:`pytablewriter.typehint.String` or ``"str"`` If a type-hint value is not |None|, the writer tries to convert data for each data in a column to type-hint class. If the type-hint value is |None| or failed to convert data, the writer automatically detects column data type from the column data. If ``type_hints`` is |None|, the writer automatically detects data types for all of the columns and writes a table using detected column types. Defaults to |None|. Examples: - :ref:`example-type-hint-js` - :ref:`example-type-hint-python` """ return self._dp_extractor.column_type_hints @type_hints.setter def type_hints(self, value: Sequence[Union[str, TypeHint]]) -> None: hints = list(value) if self.type_hints == hints: return self.__set_type_hints(hints) self.__clear_preprocess() @property def default_style(self) -> Style: """Style: Default |Style| of table cells.""" return self.__default_style @default_style.setter def default_style(self, style: Optional[Style]) -> None: if style is None: style = Style() if not isinstance(style, Style): raise TypeError("default_style must be a Style instance") try: if self.__default_style == style: return except AttributeError: # not yet initialized pass self.__default_style = style self._dp_extractor.default_format_flags = _ts_to_flag[ self.__default_style.thousand_separator ] self.__clear_preprocess() @property def column_styles(self) -> list[Optional[Style]]: """List[Optional[Style]]: |Style| for each column.""" return self.__col_style_list @column_styles.setter def column_styles(self, value: Sequence[Optional[Style]]) -> None: if self.__col_style_list == value: return self.__col_style_list = list(value) if self.__col_style_list: self._dp_extractor.format_flags_list = [ _ts_to_flag[self._get_col_style(col_idx).thousand_separator] for col_idx in range(len(self.__col_style_list)) ] else: self._dp_extractor.format_flags_list = [] self.__clear_preprocess() @property def colorize_terminal(self) -> bool: return self.__colorize_terminal @colorize_terminal.setter def colorize_terminal(self, value: bool) -> None: if self.__colorize_terminal == value: return self.__colorize_terminal = value self.__clear_preprocess() @property def enable_ansi_escape(self) -> bool: return self.__enable_ansi_escape @enable_ansi_escape.setter def enable_ansi_escape(self, value: bool) -> None: if self.__enable_ansi_escape == value: return self.__enable_ansi_escape = value self.__clear_preprocess() @property def _quoting_flags(self) -> dict[Typecode, bool]: return self._dp_extractor.quoting_flags @_quoting_flags.setter def _quoting_flags(self, value: dict[Typecode, bool]) -> None: self._dp_extractor.quoting_flags = value self.__clear_preprocess()
[docs] def add_style_filter(self, style_filter: StyleFilterFunc) -> None: """Add a style filter function to the writer. Args: style_filter: A function called for each table cell to apply a style to table cells. The function will be required to implement the following Protocol: .. code-block:: python class StyleFilterFunc(Protocol): def __call__(self, cell: Cell, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Style]: ... If more than one style filter function is added to the writer, it will be called from the last one added. These style functions should return |None| when not needed to apply styles. If all of the style functions returned |None|, :py:attr:`~.default_style` will be used. You can pass keyword arguments to style filter functions via :py:attr:`~.style_filter_kwargs`. In default, the attribute includes: - ``writer``: the writer instance that the caller of a ``style_filter function`` """ self._style_filters.insert(0, style_filter) self.__clear_preprocess()
def add_col_separator_style_filter(self, style_filter: ColSeparatorStyleFilterFunc) -> None: self._logger.logger.debug( "add_col_separator_style_filter method is only implemented in text format writer classes" )
[docs] def clear_theme(self) -> None: """Remove all of the style filters.""" if not self._style_filters: return self._style_filters = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_STYLE_FILTERS) self._check_style_filter_kwargs_funcs = [] self.__clear_preprocess()
[docs] def enable_style_filter(self) -> None: """Enable style filters.""" if self._enable_style_filter is True: return self._enable_style_filter = True self.__clear_preprocess()
[docs] def disable_style_filter(self, clear_filters: bool = False) -> None: """Disable style filters. Args: clear_filters (bool): If |True|, clear all of the style filters. Defaults to |False|. """ if clear_filters: self.clear_theme() return if self._enable_style_filter is False: return self._enable_style_filter = False self.__clear_preprocess()
[docs] def set_style(self, column: Union[str, int], style: Style) -> None: """Set |Style| for a specific column. Args: column (|int| or |str|): Column specifier. Column index or header name correlated with the column. style (|Style|): Style value to be set to the column. Raises: ValueError: Raised when the column specifier is invalid. """ column_idx = None while len(self.headers) > len(self.__col_style_list): self.__col_style_list.append(None) if isinstance(column, int): column_idx = column elif isinstance(column, str): try: column_idx = self.headers.index(column) except ValueError: pass if column_idx is not None: self.__col_style_list[column_idx] = style self.__clear_preprocess() self._dp_extractor.format_flags_list = [ _ts_to_flag[self._get_col_style(col_idx).thousand_separator] for col_idx in range(len(self.__col_style_list)) ] return raise ValueError(f"column must be an int or string: actual={column}")
[docs] def set_theme(self, theme: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Set style filters for a theme. Args: theme (str): Name of the theme. pytablewriter theme plugin must be installed corresponding to the theme name. Raises: RuntimeError: Raised when a theme plugin does not install. """ try: fetched_theme = fetch_theme(theme.strip()) except RuntimeError as e: warnings.warn(f"{e}", UserWarning) return if fetched_theme.style_filter: self.add_style_filter(fetched_theme.style_filter) if fetched_theme.col_separator_style_filter: self.add_col_separator_style_filter(fetched_theme.col_separator_style_filter) if fetched_theme.check_style_filter_kwargs: self._check_style_filter_kwargs_funcs.append(fetched_theme.check_style_filter_kwargs) self.style_filter_kwargs.update(**kwargs)
def __is_skip_close(self) -> bool: try: from _pytest.capture import EncodedFile if isinstance(, EncodedFile): # avoid closing streams for pytest return True except ImportError: pass try: from _pytest.capture import CaptureIO if isinstance(, CaptureIO): # avoid closing streams for pytest return True except ImportError: try: # for pytest 5.4.1 or older versions from _pytest.compat import CaptureIO # type: ignore if isinstance(, CaptureIO): # avoid closing streams for pytest return True except ImportError: pass try: from ipykernel.iostream import OutStream if isinstance(, OutStream): # avoid closing streams for Jupyter Notebook return True except ImportError: pass return False
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close the current |stream|. """ if is None: return try: if in ["<stdin>", "<stdout>", "<stderr>"]: return except AttributeError: pass except ValueError: # raised when executing an operation to a closed stream pass if self.__is_skip_close(): return try: except AttributeError: self._logger.logger.warning( f"the stream has no close method implementation: type={type(}" ) finally: self._stream = None
[docs] def from_tabledata(self, value: TableData, is_overwrite_table_name: bool = True) -> None: """ Set tabular attributes to the writer from |TableData|. The following attributes are configured: - :py:attr:`~.table_name`. - :py:attr:`~.headers`. - :py:attr:`~.value_matrix`. |TableData| can be created from various data formats by ``pytablereader``. More detailed information can be found in :param tabledata.TableData value: Input table data. """ self.__clear_preprocess() if is_overwrite_table_name: self.table_name = value.table_name if value.table_name else "" self.headers = value.headers self.value_matrix = list(value.rows) if not value.has_value_dp_matrix: return self._table_value_dp_matrix = value.value_dp_matrix self._column_dp_list = self._dp_extractor.to_column_dp_list( self._table_value_dp_matrix, self._column_dp_list ) self.__set_type_hints([col_dp.type_class for col_dp in self._column_dp_list]) self._is_complete_table_dp_preprocess = True
[docs] def from_csv(self, csv_source: str, delimiter: str = ",") -> None: """ Set tabular attributes to the writer from a character-separated values (CSV) data source. The following attributes are set to the writer by the method: - :py:attr:`~.headers`. - :py:attr:`~.value_matrix`. :py:attr:`~.table_name` also be set if the CSV data source is a file. In that case, :py:attr:`~.table_name` is as same as the filename. Args: csv_source (str): Input CSV data source can be designated CSV text or a CSV file path. delimiter (str): Delimiter character of the CSV data source. Defaults to ``,``. Examples: :ref:`example-from-csv` :Dependency Packages: - `pytablereader <>`__ """ import pytablereader as ptr loader = ptr.CsvTableTextLoader(csv_source, quoting_flags=self._quoting_flags) loader.delimiter = delimiter try: for table_data in loader.load(): self.from_tabledata(table_data, is_overwrite_table_name=False) return except ptr.DataError: pass loader = ptr.CsvTableFileLoader(csv_source, quoting_flags=self._quoting_flags) loader.delimiter = delimiter for table_data in loader.load(): self.from_tabledata(table_data)
[docs] def from_dataframe( self, dataframe: "pandas.DataFrame", add_index_column: bool = False, overwrite_type_hints: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Set tabular attributes to the writer from :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`. The following attributes are set by the method: - :py:attr:`~.headers` - :py:attr:`~.value_matrix` - :py:attr:`~.type_hints` Args: dataframe(pandas.DataFrame or |str|): Input pandas.DataFrame object or path to a DataFrame pickle. add_index_column(bool, optional): If |True|, add a column of ``index`` of the ``dataframe``. Defaults to |False|. overwrite_type_hints(bool): If |True|, Overwrite type hints with dtypes within the DataFrame. Example: :ref:`example-from-pandas-dataframe` """ if isinstance(dataframe, str): import pandas as pd df = pd.read_pickle(dataframe) else: df = dataframe self.headers = list(df.columns.values) if not self.type_hints or overwrite_type_hints: self.type_hints = [extract_typepy_from_dtype(dtype) for dtype in df.dtypes] # type: ignore if add_index_column: index_header = str( if else " " self.headers = [index_header] + self.headers if self.type_hints: self.type_hints = [Integer] + self.type_hints self.value_matrix = [ [index] + list(row) for index, row in zip(df.index.tolist(), df.values.tolist()) ] else: self.value_matrix = df.values.tolist()
[docs] def from_series(self, series: "pandas.Series", add_index_column: bool = True) -> None: """ Set tabular attributes to the writer from :py:class:`pandas.Series`. The following attributes are set by the method: - :py:attr:`~.headers` - :py:attr:`~.value_matrix` - :py:attr:`~.type_hints` Args: series(pandas.Series): Input pandas.Series object. add_index_column(bool, optional): If |True|, add a column of ``index`` of the ``series``. Defaults to |True|. """ if self.headers = [str(] else: self.headers = ["value"] self.type_hints = [extract_typepy_from_dtype(series.dtype)] if add_index_column: self.headers = [""] + self.headers if self.type_hints: self.type_hints = [None] + self.type_hints self.value_matrix = [ [index] + [value] for index, value in zip(series.index.tolist(), series.tolist()) ] else: self.value_matrix = [[value] for value in series.tolist()]
[docs] def from_tablib(self, tablib_dataset: "tablib.Dataset") -> None: """ Set tabular attributes to the writer from :py:class:`tablib.Dataset`. """ if tablib_dataset.headers: self.headers = tablib_dataset.headers self.value_matrix = [row for row in tablib_dataset]
[docs] def from_writer( self, writer: "AbstractTableWriter", is_overwrite_table_name: bool = True ) -> None: """ Copy attributes from another table writer class instance. Args: writer (pytablewriter.writer.AbstractTableWriter): Another table writer instance. is_overwrite_table_name (bool, optional): Overwrite the table name of the writer with the table name of the ``writer``. Defaults to |True|. """ self.__clear_preprocess() if is_overwrite_table_name: self.table_name = str(writer.table_name) self.headers = writer.headers self.value_matrix = writer.value_matrix self.type_hints = writer.type_hints self.column_styles = writer.column_styles self._style_filters = writer._style_filters self.style_filter_kwargs = writer.style_filter_kwargs self.margin = writer.margin self._table_headers = writer._table_headers self._table_value_dp_matrix = writer._table_value_dp_matrix self._column_dp_list = writer._column_dp_list self._table_value_matrix = writer._table_value_matrix = self._is_complete_table_dp_preprocess = writer._is_complete_table_dp_preprocess self._is_complete_table_property_preprocess = writer._is_complete_table_property_preprocess self._is_complete_header_preprocess = writer._is_complete_header_preprocess self._is_complete_value_matrix_preprocess = writer._is_complete_value_matrix_preprocess
def register_trans_func(self, trans_func: TransFunc) -> None: self._dp_extractor.register_trans_func(trans_func) self.__clear_preprocess() def update_preprocessor(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # TODO: documentation # is_escape_formula_injection: for CSV/Excel if not self._dp_extractor.update_preprocessor(**kwargs): return self.__clear_preprocess()
[docs] def write_table(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ |write_table|. """ with self._logger: try: self._verify_property() except EmptyTableDataError: self._logger.logger.debug("no tabular data found") return self._write_table(**kwargs)
def _write_table_iter(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not self.support_split_write: raise NotSupportedError("the class not supported the write_table_iter method") self._verify_style_filter_kwargs() self._verify_table_name() self._verify_stream() if all( [typepy.is_empty_sequence(self.headers), typepy.is_empty_sequence(self.value_matrix)] ): self._logger.logger.debug("no tabular data found") return self._verify_header() self._logger.logger.debug(f"_write_table_iter: iteration-length={self.iteration_length:d}") stash_is_write_header = self.is_write_header stach_is_write_opening_row = self.is_write_opening_row stash_is_write_closing_row = self.is_write_closing_row try: self.is_write_closing_row = False self._iter_count = 1 for work_matrix in self.value_matrix: is_final_iter = all( [self.iteration_length > 0, self._iter_count >= self.iteration_length] ) if is_final_iter: self.is_write_closing_row = True self.__set_value_matrix(work_matrix) self.__clear_preprocess_status() with self._logger: self._write_table(**kwargs) if not is_final_iter: self._write_value_row_separator() self.is_write_opening_row = False self.is_write_header = False self.write_callback(self._iter_count, self.iteration_length) # update typehint for the next iteration """ if self.type_hints is None: self.__set_type_hints([ column_dp.type_class for column_dp in self._column_dp_list ]) """ if is_final_iter: break self._iter_count += 1 finally: self.is_write_header = stash_is_write_header self.is_write_opening_row = stach_is_write_opening_row self.is_write_closing_row = stash_is_write_closing_row self._iter_count = None def _get_padding_len( self, column_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: Optional[DataProperty] = None ) -> int: if not self.is_padding: return 0 try: return cast(DataProperty, value_dp).get_padding_len(column_dp.ascii_char_width) except AttributeError: return column_dp.ascii_char_width def _to_header_item(self, col_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: DataProperty) -> str: style = self._fetch_style(HEADER_ROW, col_dp, value_dp) header = self._apply_style_to_header_item(col_dp, value_dp, style) header = self._styler.apply_terminal_style(header, style=style) return header def _apply_style_to_header_item( self, col_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: DataProperty, style: Style ) -> str: return self._styler.apply_align( self._styler.apply(col_dp.dp_to_str(value_dp), style=style), style=style ) def _to_row_item(self, row_idx: int, col_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: DataProperty) -> str: style = self._fetch_style(row_idx, col_dp, value_dp) value = self._apply_style_to_row_item(row_idx, col_dp, value_dp, style) return self._styler.apply_terminal_style(value, style=style) def _apply_style_to_row_item( self, row_idx: int, col_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: DataProperty, style: Style ) -> str: return self._styler.apply_align( self._styler.apply(col_dp.dp_to_str(value_dp), style=style), style=style ) def _fetch_style_from_filter( self, row_idx: int, col_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: DataProperty, default_style: Style ) -> Style: if not self._enable_style_filter: return default_style self.style_filter_kwargs.update({"writer": self}) style: Optional[Style] = None for style_filter in self._style_filters: style = style_filter( Cell( row=row_idx, col=col_dp.column_index,, default_style=default_style, ), **self.style_filter_kwargs, ) if style: break if style is None: style = copy.deepcopy(default_style) if style.align is None or (style.align == Align.AUTO and row_idx >= 0): style.align = self.__retrieve_align_from_data(col_dp, value_dp) if style.padding is None: style.padding = self._get_padding_len(col_dp, value_dp) return style def _get_col_style(self, col_idx: int) -> Style: try: style = self.column_styles[col_idx] except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError): pass else: if style: return style return self.default_style def _get_align(self, col_idx: int, default_align: Align) -> Align: align = self._get_col_style(col_idx).align if align is None: return default_align if align == Align.AUTO: return default_align return align def __retrieve_align_from_data( self, col_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: DataProperty ) -> Align: if col_dp.typecode == Typecode.STRING and ( value_dp.typecode in (Typecode.INTEGER, Typecode.REAL_NUMBER) or value_dp.typecode == Typecode.STRING and value_dp.is_include_ansi_escape ): return value_dp.align return col_dp.align def _verify_property(self) -> None: self._verify_style_filter_kwargs() self._verify_table_name() self._verify_stream() if all( [ typepy.is_empty_sequence(self.headers), typepy.is_empty_sequence(self.value_matrix), typepy.is_empty_sequence(self._table_value_dp_matrix), ] ): raise EmptyTableDataError() self._verify_header() try: self._verify_value_matrix() except EmptyValueError: pass def __set_value_matrix(self, value_matrix: Sequence) -> None: self.__value_matrix_org = value_matrix def __set_type_hints(self, type_hints: Sequence[Union[str, TypeHint]]) -> None: self._dp_extractor.column_type_hints = type_hints def _verify_style_filter_kwargs(self) -> None: for checker in self._check_style_filter_kwargs_funcs: checker(**self.style_filter_kwargs) def _verify_table_name(self) -> None: if all([self._is_require_table_name, typepy.is_null_string(self.table_name)]): raise EmptyTableNameError( "table_name must be a string, with at least one or more character." ) def _verify_stream(self) -> None: if is None: raise OSError("null output stream") def _verify_header(self) -> None: if self._is_require_header and not self._use_default_header: self._validate_empty_header() def _validate_empty_header(self) -> None: """ Raises: ValueError: If the |headers| is empty. """ if typepy.is_empty_sequence(self.headers): raise ValueError("headers expected to have one or more header names") def _verify_value_matrix(self) -> None: if typepy.is_empty_sequence(self.value_matrix): raise EmptyValueError() def _create_styler(self, writer: "AbstractTableWriter") -> StylerInterface: from import NullStyler return NullStyler(writer) def _preprocess_table_dp(self) -> None: if self._is_complete_table_dp_preprocess: return self._logger.logger.debug("_preprocess_table_dp") if typepy.is_empty_sequence(self.headers) and self._use_default_header: self.headers = [ convert_idx_to_alphabet(col_idx) for col_idx in range(len(self.__value_matrix_org[0])) ] try: self._table_value_dp_matrix = self._dp_extractor.to_dp_matrix( to_value_matrix(self.headers, self.__value_matrix_org) ) except TypeError as e: self._logger.logger.debug(to_error_message(e)) self._table_value_dp_matrix = [] self._column_dp_list = self._dp_extractor.to_column_dp_list( self._table_value_dp_matrix, self._column_dp_list ) self._is_complete_table_dp_preprocess = True def _fetch_style(self, row: int, col_dp: ColumnDataProperty, value_dp: DataProperty) -> Style: default_style = self._get_col_style(col_dp.column_index) return self._fetch_style_from_filter(row, col_dp, value_dp, default_style) def _preprocess_table_property(self) -> None: if self._is_complete_table_property_preprocess: return self._logger.logger.debug("_preprocess_table_property") if self._iter_count == 1: for column_dp in self._column_dp_list: column_dp.extend_width(int(math.ceil(column_dp.ascii_char_width * 0.25))) header_dp_list = self._dp_extractor.to_header_dp_list() if not header_dp_list: return for column_dp in self._column_dp_list: style = self._get_col_style(column_dp.column_index) header_style = self._fetch_style( HEADER_ROW, column_dp, header_dp_list[column_dp.column_index] ) body_width = self._styler.get_additional_char_width(style) header_width = self._styler.get_additional_char_width(header_style) column_dp.extend_body_width(max(body_width, header_width)) self._is_complete_table_property_preprocess = True def _preprocess_header(self) -> None: if self._is_complete_header_preprocess: return self._logger.logger.debug("_preprocess_header") self._table_headers = [ self._to_header_item(col_dp, header_dp) for col_dp, header_dp in zip( self._column_dp_list, self._dp_extractor.to_header_dp_list() ) ] self._is_complete_header_preprocess = True def _preprocess_value_matrix(self) -> None: if self._is_complete_value_matrix_preprocess: return self._logger.logger.debug( f"_preprocess_value_matrix: value-rows={len(self._table_value_dp_matrix)}" ) self._table_value_matrix = [ [ self._to_row_item(row_idx, col_dp, value_dp) for col_dp, value_dp in zip(self._column_dp_list, value_dp_list) ] for row_idx, value_dp_list in enumerate(self._table_value_dp_matrix) ] self._is_complete_value_matrix_preprocess = True def _preprocess(self) -> None: self._preprocess_table_dp() self._preprocess_table_property() self._preprocess_header() self._preprocess_value_matrix() def _clear_preprocess(self) -> None: self.__clear_preprocess() def __clear_preprocess(self) -> None: self.__clear_preprocess_status() self.__clear_preprocess_data()