Source code for pytablewriter.writer._elasticsearch

.. codeauthor:: Tsuyoshi Hombashi <>

import copy
from import Generator
from typing import Any

import dataproperty
from dataproperty import ColumnDataProperty
from typepy import Typecode

from ..error import EmptyValueError
from ._msgfy import to_error_message
from ._table_writer import AbstractTableWriter

DataType = dict[str, str]
Properties = dict[str, DataType]

def _get_es_datatype(column_dp: ColumnDataProperty) -> DataType:
    if column_dp.typecode in (
        return {"type": "keyword"}

    if column_dp.typecode == Typecode.STRING:
        return {"type": "text"}

    if column_dp.typecode == Typecode.DATETIME:
        return {"type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time"}

    if column_dp.typecode == Typecode.REAL_NUMBER:
        return {"type": "double"}

    if column_dp.typecode == Typecode.BOOL:
        return {"type": "boolean"}

    if column_dp.typecode == Typecode.IP_ADDRESS:
        return {"type": "ip"}

    if column_dp.typecode == Typecode.INTEGER:
        assert column_dp.bit_length is not None

        if column_dp.bit_length <= 8:
            return {"type": "byte"}
        elif column_dp.bit_length <= 16:
            return {"type": "short"}
        elif column_dp.bit_length <= 32:
            return {"type": "integer"}
        elif column_dp.bit_length <= 64:
            return {"type": "long"}

        raise ValueError(
            f"too large integer bits: expected<=64bits, actual={column_dp.bit_length:d}bits"

    raise ValueError(f"unknown typecode: {column_dp.typecode}")

[docs] class ElasticsearchWriter(AbstractTableWriter): """ A table writer class for Elasticsearch. :Dependency Packages: - `elasticsearch-py <>`__ .. py:attribute:: index_name :type: str Alias attribute for |table_name|. .. py:attribute:: document_type :type: str :value: "table" Specify document type for indices. .. py:method:: write_table() Create an index and put documents for each row to Elasticsearch. You need to pass an `elasticsearch.Elasticsearch <>`__ instance to |stream| before calling this method. |table_name|/:py:attr:`~pytablewriter.ElasticsearchWriter.index_name` used as the creating index name, invalid characters in the name are replaced with underscores (``'_'``). Document data types for documents are automatically detected from the data. :raises ValueError: If the |stream| has not elasticsearch.Elasticsearch instance. :Example: :ref:`example-elasticsearch-table-writer` """ FORMAT_NAME = "elasticsearch" @property def format_name(self) -> str: return self.FORMAT_NAME @property def support_split_write(self) -> bool: return True @property def table_name(self) -> str: return super().table_name @table_name.setter def table_name(self, value: str) -> None: from pathvalidate import ErrorReason, ValidationError from ..sanitizer import ElasticsearchIndexNameSanitizer try: self._table_name = ElasticsearchIndexNameSanitizer(value).sanitize(replacement_text="_") except ValidationError as e: if e.reason is ErrorReason.NULL_NAME: self._table_name = "" else: raise @property def index_name(self) -> str: return self.table_name @index_name.setter def index_name(self, value: str) -> None: self.table_name = value def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) = None self.is_padding = False self.is_formatting_float = False self._is_require_table_name = True self._quoting_flags = copy.deepcopy(dataproperty.NOT_QUOTING_FLAGS) self._dp_extractor.type_value_map = copy.deepcopy(dataproperty.DefaultValue.TYPE_VALUE_MAP) self.document_type = "table" def write_null_line(self) -> None: pass def _get_mappings(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, Properties]]]: properties: Properties = {} for header, column_dp in zip(self.headers, self._column_dp_list): properties[header] = _get_es_datatype(column_dp) return {"mappings": {self.document_type: {"properties": properties}}} def _get_body(self) -> Generator: str_datatype = (Typecode.DATETIME, Typecode.IP_ADDRESS, Typecode.INFINITY, Typecode.NAN) for value_dp_list in self._table_value_dp_matrix: values = [ if value_dp.typecode not in str_datatype else value_dp.to_str() for value_dp in value_dp_list ] yield dict(zip(self.headers, values)) def _write_table(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: import elasticsearch as es if not isinstance(, es.Elasticsearch): raise ValueError("stream must be an elasticsearch.Elasticsearch instance") try: self._verify_value_matrix() except EmptyValueError: self._logger.logger.debug("no tabular data found") return self._preprocess() mappings = self._get_mappings() try: result =, body=mappings) self._logger.logger.debug(result) except es.TransportError as e: for error in e.errors: if error == "index_already_exists_exception": # ignore already existing index self._logger.logger.debug(to_error_message(e)) else: raise for body in self._get_body(): try:, body=body) except es.exceptions.RequestError as e: self._logger.logger.error(f"{to_error_message(e)}, body={body}") def _write_value_row_separator(self) -> None: pass